For the 8 years we'd gone to a local shop in clemmons and then for 2 years we switched to a local shop in Winston-Salem; but for the last year or we've been going to j Medic. We found that the first two shops, which were brand name companies, continually raised their prices and turn times got longer. Sometimes we felt we were being pushed aside in favor of customers who might be having greater amount of work done which inevitably created a greater return for these other car repair shops. At our daughter's suggestion we went to see J medic and we've never returned to either of the two closer repair shops. We've never returned to the other two shops. The prices are fair and that's important to us we don't like to feel that we're being gouged for work, turn times are always amazingly short, in the front end personnel, a gentleman named David, is well versed in car mechanics and repairs, and is extremely professional. We recommend their company to everyone who wants to be treated fairly.